Every Nation Campus
Love God. Love Students. Build Community.
ENC gathers on Tuesdays on the 2nd floor of the Campus Rec Center from 7pm-8:15pm for time together in fellowship & connect groups. The Campus Rec Center is located at 1488 Laney Walker Blvd. Augusta, GA 30912.
While in college, most students are trying to figure out their life; who they are, what they believe, where they belong, and if they will follow God. We want to help students navigate these important questions and decisions. Here at ENC we point students to the truth of God’s word, helping them see how God defines them and help students discern the plans God has for them. We also want to provide a place to belong. College can be a very lonely time and God’s word says that He sets the lonely in families (Psalm 68:6). We have a spiritual family and relationships waiting for you. We love college students and are passionate about introducing students to a life transforming relationship with Jesus Christ and creating a place where they can experience authentic community.
Our Friday Night Hangouts are announced on Instagram and our Remind text messages.
To receive general ENC announcements and reminders, text: ENC to (706)-868-7788
Who are we?
Every Nation Campus Augusta is the college ministry of In Focus Church. We are a global organization that empowers those age 18-25 for life - leadership, integrity, faith, & excellence.
Stay In Touch
Follow us on Instagram: @enc_augusta
Got Questions?
Reach out to Marc Maldonado, our Campus Missionary at marc.maldonado@everynation.org