Connect Group Facilitator Manual

IF Points of Connection



Serving is our first connection point for people desiring to be connected at In Focus Church. We have a variety of serving opportunities that are available to anyone who desires to get involved. We also offer other serving opportunities for those who desire to be committed members of In Focus Church.

As people who call this place home, we find someplace to serve our church family and community.

Connect Groups

One of our core values at In Focus Church is connecting people. Connect groups exist to relationally connect people with one another in the body of Christ and empower the body to serve the church and the community. Connect Groups will meet weekly in host homes for fellowship, encouragement, and building up the body. Connect groups will also, be missional in their invitation and engagement with lost people within the group, evangelism in the community and the world, and service to the body and the community.

Connect groups are for the purpose of building relational community and fostering outreach in our city through evangelism and outreach projects.


Our mission is to Love God, Love People, and Reach the World. Jesus gave us the great commission in Matthew 28:19-20 to “GO” and “MAKE” disciples of all nations. Therefore, we “GO” to our community, our city, and the nations to reach people with the love of Christ.

We evangelize the lost and serve people in practical ways.

Equip Classes

We offer classes on a variety of topics and issues for the benefit of our local body. These classes will vary and will be offered at different times throughout the year. We have an excellent team of leaders who have been trained and equipped to teach a variety of topics.

Equip Bible Studies

We will have Bible Studies that meet throughout the year at various times for an in-depth exploration of a book of the Bible. The book of the Bible that is taught will vary each year.

Equip Institute

We have a unique opportunity to offer college classes and certificates in our local church through Spurgeon College. These courses will require out-of-class assignments and reading but are designed to be manageable for those working full time. Our graduates unanimously attest to the tremendous benefit these classes have had on their personal study, teaching, and leadership. These classes are intended to identify, develop, equip, and empower teachers and leaders for service in the local church, church planting, and missions.

Why Connect Groups?


One of our core values at In Focus is connecting people. Connect groups exist to relationally connect people with one another in the body of Christ and empower the body to serve the church and the community. Connect Groups will meet weekly in the host homes for fellowship, encouragement, and building up the body. Connect groups will also, be missional in their invitation and engagement with lost people within the group, evangelism in the community and the world, and service to the body and the community.

Framework for our Connect Groups


15 minutes of fellowship time & relationship building

  • Set a table for healthy dialogue about life, hobbies, work, or the things that the members of your group are experiencing in life

  • Get out of your comfort zone (Ice breaker questions, write out a fun fact, and have others guess who it is)

  • Make time outside of your group to reach out to your people

35 Minutes

1.     One Verse Evangelism or 2 Minute Miracle

  • Each week teach either One Verse Evangelism or teach the people in your connect group how to communicate their 2 Minute Miracle and allow them the opportunity to practice

2.    Main Point from Message

  • You will look at the main point from the message on Sundays

  • This discussion guide will be available on our church website by the end of each Sunday

3.     Scripture

  • There will be several scriptures that go along with the main point. Read these bible verses out loud with your connect group

  • CGF Preparation: Take some time each week to read the scripture verses before you meet with your connect group. Pray and ask God for His revelation as you meditate and process the bible verses you have read and prepare to talk through them with your group.

10 Minutes Prayer & Ministry Time

  • Ask God to reveal Himself to the people in your connect group as they learn how to live according to God’s word

  • Take prayer requests from the people in your connect group and pray with them during this time

  • Celebrate answered prayers with your group

Connect Group Life

  • Connect Groups provide a space for people to gather together and connect in community relationships

  • Connect Groups are missional through outreach that will happen during each semester and in the life of our church

  • Connect Groups will have a central way of communication in each group for events, weekly connect group meetings, and outreach i.e. WhatsApp, Text Thread, Email

  • Connect Groups will encourage people to take the next step in becoming members or getting baptized

  • Life reveals ministry needs…Connect Group Facilitators will serve people through praying for them, helping a family with meals after the birth of a baby or a death in the family, hospital visits & discipleship

  • Connect Groups are safe places for people to share prayer requests and talk with others about life experiences, how we should lament with one another and work toward racial reconciliation

Connect Group Facilitator Commitment


We believe that our Connect Groups are a vital part of the relational and spiritual growth of our church body and it is a great privilege to lead the men, women, and students of In Focus Church. God has entrusted us to shepherd the hearts of people and lead them to Christ.

One way we do this is through our connect groups. In our Connect Groups, we provide a space for the members of our group to build relationships, learn how to apply God’s word to their lives, and are prayed for and cared for by our Connect Group Facilitators. Below are our expectations for each of our Connect Group Facilitators.

Expectations To Be a Member of This Team



The Holy Spirit develops Christ-like character in our lives as we submit to His leading and His transformative work in our lives.


Jesus has added every believer to His body for the purpose of fulfilling His mission in the earth and to grow in our unity with other believers as a diverse family.


Your commitment would be to the mission of our church, a submission to spiritual leadership and practically walking out your role as a connect group facilitator.



Must be a born again believer with the fruit of salvation in your life

  • Romans 10:9, John 14:6, Galatians 5:22-23

Spend regular time with Jesus in prayer, bible study, and worship

  • Hebrews 4:12, 1 Peter 2:2, Psalm 119:99-105

Operate and trust in the Holy Spirit’s gifts and power in your life and

in the life of those around you

  • John 14:15-27, 1 Corinthians 12


Actively involved in discipleship relationships at In Focus Church

“Upward”- someone speaking into your life

“Horizontal”- peers; encouragement and accountability

“Downward”- you are discipling someone less mature than you and

teaching them how to be a Christ-follower

  • Matthew 28:19, Matthew 4:19, Luke 9:23, 1 Corinthians 11:1

Giving and Biblical Generosity

Biblical Old Testament tithing is “10% of first fruits to the local storehouse” and this was the starting point. The expectation is that a member of this team is tithing to In Focus Church and in time, going above and beyond to offer sacrificially as God shows

each individual. New Testament giving is generous giving, because it is 100% God’s anyway.

  • 2 Corinthians 9:6-12, Luke 6:38, Malachi 3:8-10



God’s plan for the earth is the expansion of the gospel through the church.

He loves her and laid His life down for her. We are to do the same and model that love to those around us. Regularly attend In Focus Church and serve on Sundays or Wednesdays or during Church Events Serve One/Attend One modeled through your life. Be ALL IN.

  • Ephesians 3:10, Ephesians 5:27, 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Trust and Communicate with your leaders and section leaders.

Be in communion with them. This helps to develop language/vocabulary of respect and trust that will prevent backbiting and gossip.  There are times that we individually need to work through something with God alone, but need to trust our leaders enough to communicate needs or talk about a conflict that is important.

  • Hebrew 13:7, Hebrews 13:17, Proverbs 16:28

Making every effort to walk in unity with the body of Christ.

As those who are facilitating Connect Groups and leading others, we must model and make every effort to walk in unity as a multi-generational and multi-ethnic church. Walk through conflict resolution with fellow believers and address any sin/issues that are divisive and break unity. We want to flatten the curve and remove any triangulation that results in gossip.

  • Ephesians 4:3, Matthew 18:15-17



Purity in relationships, media, and activities

Social media- your relationship with social media must be mature and above reproach- no public ranting, slander, or backbiting of anyone; no inappropriate photos; posting of inappropriate TV shows, music, or other media; caution with your “likes” and comments

No public consumption of alcohol in the CSRA: no alcohol consumption with Connect Group members or anyone you are discipling. What you do in the privacy of your own home with your family is between you and Jesus, but publicly there is to be total abstention.

Involvement and Community

Lead a connect group or attend one each semester or attend an equip class, be in discipleship relationships as outlined in this commitment

Attend Connect Group Facilitator meetings once a month

Serve with our prayer team

Prayer is vital to the mission of Jesus’ church and the unity of his people. We ask that our Connect Group Facilitators would join our Sunday morning pre-service prayer meetings and/or be a part of our prayer team that prays with people who need prayer in between our church services.

Outreach and Service

Plan and facilitate Connect Group serve projects during each connect group semester known as Serve Week. Pray for your Connect Group and encourage a heart of service and outreach. Find ways to connect your group to serving our community.

Length of Commitment

We ask that you would commit to facilitating a Connect Group for at least two consecutive semesters each year.